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Brick By Brick planning application for new homes in Grasmere Road

We hope that this update finds you well.

We would like to advise that we have submitted a planning application for proposals for new homes in Grasmere Road to Croydon Council.

We acknowledge that development is not always popular with local people, however, with an ongoing housing crisis and the need for more homes of all tenures across the borough, it is essential.

How do I comment on the planning application?

Comments should be made through use of the public access register online and selecting ‘Planning Register’, as this is the most effective and efficient way to engage in the planning application determination process. Please enter the reference 20/01145/FUL and then select the ‘Comments’ tab.

It is critical that you provide details of your address as part of your comment. Your address appearing on the Public Access Register online will acknowledge that the Council have received and registered your representation.

Alternatively, you can email comments to or send a letter, quoting the reference 20/01145/FUL to:

Development Management,Place Department,6th Floor Bernard Weatherill House, 8 Mint Walk, Croydon, CR0 1EA

Next steps

Brick By Brick will continue to post news updates, which will include the outcome of the planning application, on the Commonplace webpage:

How to send your comments

1. Go to

2. Then select ‘Planning Register’

3. Enter reference: 20/01145/FUL

4. Select the ‘Comments’ tab and enter your comments

5. Enter your address and submit

Posted on 26th March 2020

by Brick By Brick

Grasmere Road - public comments

Thank you to all those who commented on the proposals for Grasmere Road. We have been reviewing the proposals to respond to them. We have provided written responses to the key issues below.

- Parking & loss of garages

We appreciate this is a concern for many residents and we have undertaken parking stress surveys. To address this, we are looking to reduce the proposal from 14 to 12 flats and will provide 4 parking spaces on site. Our transport consultant is developing the proposal in full and the details will be provided in a transport statement submitted as part of a future planning application; this will need to satisfactorily meet the relevant policy requirements.

The provision of 4 parking spaces for 12 flats is in line with local census data of car ownership for those who live in flats. It is noted that car ownership in the area is much higher for those who live in houses. We will also look to provide a car club on Grasmere Road, offering car sharing, which will offsets demand for private car ownership. We are also aware that the loss of garages presents concerns about displaced parking; during the consultation event, we undertook a survey of the garages and how they are used. Of the 7 garages that are leased to residents within 200m of the site, we have identified that at least 4 of these are used for storage. We understand a further 2 may be used for classic car storage, which would unlikely be displaced to the street as it is expected alternative storage arrangements would be made. The loss of the garages is therefore expected to displace a maximum of 1 car to nearby streets.

- Requirement for new homes

We understand that a number of local residents feel there is no need for new homes in the area. However, there is a significant demand for homes across every part of Croydon and the new draft London Plan has identified that Croydon needs to build 2,949 homes a year. It is important that homes are delivered in different parts of the borough to meet the local need in any given area of Croydon.

- Overlooking

We appreciate there are a number of concerns with regards to overlooking. The architects are continuing to resolve the design such that there will be no unacceptable overlooking. The proposal is being designed to conform with planning policy and guidance in respect of this to ensure there are sufficient separation distances from the proposal to existing buildings.

- Rubbish collection on the site

We understand this is currently an issue and we propose to provide a new properly sized bin store that will be big enough to serve both the existing and new flats.

- ASB issues in stairwell of the existing block

We understand from comments received that this has been an issue in the past, and concerns this may reoccur with new residents. It is proposed that the access into the new block may be from the side driveway if that is preferred, in this way it would avoid exacerbating any ASB issues in the existing stairwell.

- Washing Lines

We appreciate that some existing residents make use of the existing washing line area. The proposal will re-provide an area of washing lines.

Posted on 21st December 2019

by Guy Rochez